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Indie ADD-on Package

We offer:

If you have already used our HALF Package Service to be published on three major retailers. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, & KOBO ) you can elect the Add-on Package and we will create additional author accounts and publish your book (and/or ebook) on retailers, such as Apple, Google, Everand Membership Club, as well as British, German, and French book retail outlets and library catalogs, i.e. Baker & Taylor & Overdrive. We will include your book listing in the Stormview Summit Shop at as well. As with your other submissions, your manuscripts (PDF, EPUB formats), must be error-free, up-loadable, or it will be returned to you for revision. Your book cover must be error-free and dimensionally accurate, or it will be returned to author for revision. Since we uploaded for your Half-Package, this should not be an issue. After uploading your book, we will email you a document with complete Login & Password Access and a Retailer Royalty Rate chart. You will be able to access all your accounts, links and Universal URL for your book.

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