This is a seasonal promotion to help fill our digital bookshelves. Our Writer's Guild membership has its privileges to be sure, but we're currently offering authors a free deal. Get a lifetime listing at Stormview Mountain Press featuring your book (both print and eBook editions), a book description plus link to one major retailer. You can also use a universal URL for your link, if applicable.
We offer free book listings in May, September & February.
What are we looking for?
Self-help, Health & Wellness, Stress Management, Personal Development
Political Humor & Commentary
Life Coaching
Fiction: Mystery, Suspense, Fantasy, Adventure, Thrillers
Children's books
What do we need?
You will need to certify that you're the author, and upload a scanned copy of the copyright page for each submission.
How do you submit?
Go to our Bookshelf Listing page and complete the form.