Have you reached maximum velocity and terminal threshold yet? The political arena is just getting fired up and social media is starting to sizzle. Author A. Lady has just released her long awaited graphic novel "Donald Trump is My Frickin' Guru" in which readers learn SECRET TIPS FOR STRESS RELIEF.
WATCH THE BOOK TRAILER!! Bigly full of WIT and razor sharp SARCASM.
Don't be fooled by the title! It's not what you're thinking. In fact, that's precisely the point. Look at the cover - observe the provocative "in your face" style of The "Frickin' Guru!" If you feel overwhelmed, triggered, confused or downright scared by the political shenanigans - LOOK NO FURTHER!!.
What are people saying?
"It's charmingly rabid."
"I needed this!"
The team at Stormview Mountain Press is honored to offer this outrageous, provocative, and startlingly effective book. Available in fabulously colorful print and equally shocking eBook versions.